Dwarf Hairgrass
Dwarf Hairgrass
Portion Size You will receive a 5x5cm flat size. Description Dwarf Hairgrass (or Mini Hair Grass) is a very popular and versatile mini aquarium plant that can be used to create a lush, bright green carpet of a freshwater tank. Its...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Foreground Plants For Fish Tank Popular Products
Portion Size You will receive a 5x5cm flat size. Description Dwarf Hairgrass (or Mini Hair Grass) is a very popular and versatile mini...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo
Portion Size: You will receive a 6x6cm flat portion. Description: Looking for a lush, green carpet to cover the floor of your aquarium? Enter the Monte Carlo plant—a fan favorite for creating beautiful underwater landscapes. This plant is known for...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Featured Products Foreground Plants For Fish Tank
Portion Size: You will receive a 6x6cm flat portion. Description: Looking for a lush, green carpet to cover the floor of your...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Pearlweed "Pearl Grass"
Pearlweed "Pearl Grass"
Portion Size You will receive a 5x5cm portion of Pearlweed , either emersed (photo 2) or submerged (photo 1). Product Information  Common names: Pearl Grass, Baby tears, Pearl weed, Manatee mudflower and Amano pearl grass  Pearl weed also known as Pearl...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Beginner Plants Featured Products Foreground Plants For Fish Tank
Portion Size You will receive a 5x5cm portion of Pearlweed , either emersed (photo 2) or submerged (photo 1). Product Information  Common...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Hydrocotyle Tripartita Japan 'Mini'
Hydrocotyle Tripartita Japan 'Mini'
Portion Size You will receive at least 20-30 leaves, as bare-rooted plants. Description Hydrocotyle tripartita, also known as Hydrocotyle Japan is an interesting plant native to Australia and New Zealand. It is characterised by fast, compact growth and small, intense green leaves...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Featured Products Foreground Plants For Fish Tank Midground Plants For Fish Tank Paludarium
Portion Size You will receive at least 20-30 leaves, as bare-rooted plants. Description Hydrocotyle tripartita, also known as Hydrocotyle Japan is an interesting...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Dwarf Sag "Sagittaria Subulata"
Dwarf Sag "Sagittaria Subulata"
Portion Size You will receive 1-2 rooted plants. Product Information  Dwarf Sagittaria (Sagittaria subulata) is a commonly available, hardy aquatic carpeting plant that is perfect for beginners. They can grow quite tall underwater, up to 40cm in length. With a minimum...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Beginner Plants Featured Products Foreground Plants For Fish Tank Paludarium
Portion Size You will receive 1-2 rooted plants. Product Information  Dwarf Sagittaria (Sagittaria subulata) is a commonly available, hardy aquatic carpeting plant that...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Glossostigma Elatinoides
Glossostigma Elatinoides
Portion Size You will receive 5x5cm of Glossostigma.  Description Glossostigma Elatinoides is an aquascaping plant which is native to Australia and New Zealand and is one of the smallest aquarium plants, growing to only 2-3 cm tall. Therefore, it is an awesome...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Foreground Plants For Fish Tank
Portion Size You will receive 5x5cm of Glossostigma.  Description Glossostigma Elatinoides is an aquascaping plant which is native to Australia and New Zealand and...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Micro Sword Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis
Micro Sword Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis
Portion Size You will receive a 5x5cm portion, or 20-30 leaves. Description Want a short foreground plant that will give you a flowing carpet?  Here comes Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis, or more commonly known as Micro Sword. Micro sword is a heavy...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Featured Products Foreground Plants For Fish Tank Paludarium
Portion Size You will receive a 5x5cm portion, or 20-30 leaves. Description Want a short foreground plant that will give you a...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Staurogyne Repens
Staurogyne Repens
  Portion Size You will receive 4-5 stems that's at least 5cm in length. Description Staurogyne repens is a light green, compact and hardy plant used in the foreground of an aquarium and originates from Brazil and Guyana. It has a bushy stature...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Featured Products Foreground Plants For Fish Tank
  Portion Size You will receive 4-5 stems that's at least 5cm in length. Description Staurogyne repens is a light green, compact...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Hemianthus Callitrichoides
Hemianthus Callitrichoides
Portion Size You will receive a 5x5cm portion, similar to photo 2. Description HC Cuba, also known as dwarf baby tears plant is one of the smallest ground creepers available in the hobby. It is popular as a carpet as its small...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Featured Products Foreground Plants For Fish Tank
Portion Size You will receive a 5x5cm portion, similar to photo 2. Description HC Cuba, also known as dwarf baby tears plant is one...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Rotala Green
Rotala Green
Portion Size You will receive 5 submerged grown stems, around 6-10cm in length. Description  Rotala sp. "Green" is a variant of the variable species Rotala Rotundifolia. In contrast to "standard" R. rotundifolia, R. sp. "Green" never turns reddish but keeps...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Beginner Plants Foreground Plants For Fish Tank Midground Plants For Fish Tank
Portion Size You will receive 5 submerged grown stems, around 6-10cm in length. Description  Rotala sp. "Green" is a variant of the...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Marsilea Hirsuta
Marsilea Hirsuta
Portion Size You will receive a emersed rooted plants with 10-15 leaves, similar to photo 2. It will be around 20-30cm in height and will take a few weeks underwater to transition to a carpeting plant. Description Marsilea hirsuta is...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Foreground Plants For Fish Tank Pond Plants
Portion Size You will receive a emersed rooted plants with 10-15 leaves, similar to photo 2. It will be around 20-30cm in...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Aquarium Plant Beginner Pack
Aquarium Plant Beginner Pack
  Portion Size You will receive 3 x Stemmed Plants   Description   You may receive Myriophyllum, Rotala, Ambulia, Hygrophilia varieties, Green Temple, Bacopa, Ludwigia varieties, wisteria, vallisnaria, lace fern, baby tears, rotala, cardimine species.  This is an assortment of plant that...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Beginner Plants Featured Featured Products Foreground Plants For Fish Tank Specials
  Portion Size You will receive 3 x Stemmed Plants   Description   You may receive Myriophyllum, Rotala, Ambulia, Hygrophilia varieties, Green Temple, Bacopa,...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Eriocaulon Vietnam
Eriocaulon Vietnam
Eriocaulon Vietnam   Portion Size: Sold as a single juvenile, bare-rooted plant.  Description Eriocaulon sp. "Vietnam" (Erio) is also known as Eriocaulon "Thanh Hoa". This species is found in the Thanh Hoa province of Vietnam. This species is the easiest of...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Featured Products Foreground Plants For Fish Tank Popular Products
Eriocaulon Vietnam   Portion Size: Sold as a single juvenile, bare-rooted plant.  Description Eriocaulon sp. "Vietnam" (Erio) is also known as Eriocaulon...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Aquarium Plant Seeds
from $9.95
Aquarium Plant Seeds - Fish Tank Aquatic Water Grass (5g) Product Description:Perfect for creating a vibrant and natural-looking foreground, these easy-to-grow seeds will enhance your tank's aesthetic appeal. Features: Fast Growth: Seeds sprout within 10 days and maintain a height...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Foreground Plants For Fish Tank Popular Products
Aquarium Plant Seeds - Fish Tank Aquatic Water Grass (5g) Product Description:Perfect for creating a vibrant and natural-looking foreground, these easy-to-grow seeds...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Type' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Assorted Cryptocoryne
Assorted Cryptocoryne
Assorted Cryptocoryne Portion Size You will receive one random assorted crypt plant with 4-6 leaves. Description Crypt 'Green' is a smaller species of Crypts. It has green, grass-like leaves which can grow up to 10cm tall, making it a suitable foreground...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Featured Products Foreground Plants For Fish Tank
Assorted Cryptocoryne Portion Size You will receive one random assorted crypt plant with 4-6 leaves. Description Crypt 'Green' is a smaller species of...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Glossostigma Elatinoides Tissue Culture
Glossostigma Elatinoides Tissue Culture
Glossostigma Elatinoides   Description Glossostigma Elatinoides is an aquascaping plant which is native to Australia and New Zealand and is one of the smallest aquarium plants, growing to only 2-3 cm tall. Therefore, it is an awesome foreground plant, forming a short, dense...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Foreground Plants For Fish Tank Tissue Culture
Glossostigma Elatinoides   Description Glossostigma Elatinoides is an aquascaping plant which is native to Australia and New Zealand and is one of the smallest...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Staurogen Repens Tissue Culture
Staurogen Repens Tissue Culture
Staurogen Repens Description Staurogyne repens is a light green, compact and hardy plant used in the foreground of an aquarium and originates from Brazil and Guyana. It has a bushy stature and grows 5-10cm in length. High lighting will encourage compact, creeping growth.When...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Featured Products Foreground Plants For Fish Tank Tissue Culture
Staurogen Repens Description Staurogyne repens is a light green, compact and hardy plant used in the foreground of an aquarium and originates from...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Hemianthus Callitrichoides Tissue Culture
Hemianthus Callitrichoides Tissue Culture
Hemianthus Callitrichoides Description HC Cuba, also known as dwarf baby tears plant is one of the smallest ground creepers available in the hobby. It is popular as a carpet as its small size makes for a very fine carpet and...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Featured Products Foreground Plants For Fish Tank Tissue Culture
Hemianthus Callitrichoides Description HC Cuba, also known as dwarf baby tears plant is one of the smallest ground creepers available in the...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Eriocaulon Ratnagiricum
Eriocaulon Ratnagiricum
Eriocaulon Ratnagiricum   Portion Size: Sold as a single juvenile, bare-rooted plant.  Description Introducing the rare and exquisite Eriocaulon ratnagiricum, an extraordinary aquarium plant that will captivate any aquatic enthusiast. This remarkable plant is known for its striking appearance and...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Featured Products Foreground Plants For Fish Tank Popular Products
Eriocaulon Ratnagiricum   Portion Size: Sold as a single juvenile, bare-rooted plant.  Description Introducing the rare and exquisite Eriocaulon ratnagiricum, an extraordinary...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Utricularia graminifolia 2x2cm pot
Utricularia graminifolia 2x2cm pot
Utricularia graminifolia for Sale    Portion Size: You will receive a 2x2cm portion. Description: Utricularia graminifolia is a carnivorous plant originating in the tropical regions of Southeast Asia and India. It is a small sized aquarium plant with light green foliage and it...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Featured Products Foreground Plants For Fish Tank
Utricularia graminifolia for Sale    Portion Size: You will receive a 2x2cm portion. Description: Utricularia graminifolia is a carnivorous plant originating in the...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Hydrocotyle Tripartita Tissue Culture
Hydrocotyle Tripartita Tissue Culture
Hydrocotyle Tripartita Tissue Culture   Description Hydrocotyle tripartita, also known as Hydrocotyle Japan is an interesting plant native to Australia and New Zealand. It is characterised by fast, compact growth and small, intense green leaves which appear to "float" on its stems....
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Featured Products Foreground Plants For Fish Tank Midground Plants For Fish Tank Paludarium Tissue Culture
Hydrocotyle Tripartita Tissue Culture   Description Hydrocotyle tripartita, also known as Hydrocotyle Japan is an interesting plant native to Australia and New Zealand. It...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

Cryptocoryne Parva
Cryptocoryne Parva
Cryptocoryne Parva Portion Size You will receive one plant with 4-6 leaves. Description Crypt Parva is one of the smallest species of Crypts. It has green, grass-like leaves which can grow up to 10cm tall, making it a suitable foreground...
Aquarium plants For Fish Tank Featured Products Foreground Plants For Fish Tank
Cryptocoryne Parva Portion Size You will receive one plant with 4-6 leaves. Description Crypt Parva is one of the smallest species of...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

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