Common Bristlenose Catfish 2-3cm
Portion Size
Size: 3cm
What are Common Bristlenose?
The Common Bristlenose is a freshwater fish originating from the lakes, ponds, and marshes of South America. Mostly known and valued for their algae-eating abilities, they help keep aquariums clean, making them a popular choice for home tanks and ponds alike. These relatively small, calm and hardy fish are generally non-aggressive and can coexist with a large range of other peaceful tank mates, as long as water conditions are compatible. They regularly feed on plant-based foods like algae and should be given algae wafers and occasional protein pellets as a dietary supplement to ensure proper nutrition.
How to Set Up an Aquarium for Common Bristlenose?
Creating the ideal aquarium setup for Common Bristlenose ensures they stay healthy and active. They do best in water temperatures between 22-28°C with a pH of 6.5-7.5, and a tank size of at least 60 liters is sufficient for living conditions. Providing plenty of hiding spots, such as driftwood, caves, and rock structures, helps them feel secure and comfortable. Driftwood and Indian Almond Leaves are great additions, as it not only offers shelter but also aids digestion by releasing beneficial tannins and micro organisms. Hardy plants like Anubias, Java Fern, and Amazon Sword are excellent choices, as they support natural grazing by promoting algae growth and harboring beneficial microorganisms as well.
Best Foods for Common Bristlenose
Common Bristlenose Plecos are omnivorous fish that do not require but appreciate and thrive on a varied diet rich in plant matter, algae, and protein. They love algae-based foods like algae wafers, and vegetables such as sliced cucumer and zucchinis. Occasional protein-rich foods such as bottom feeder tablets and catfish pellets also help to create a balanced, enriched diet.
Common Bristlenose Breeding Tips for Beginners
Breeding Common Bristlenose Plecos is straightforward for beginners, especially with the basics right. A tank of at least 60-80 liters is recommended, with a male-to-female ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 for the best balance. Providing multiple pleco caves is key, as males tend to guard and care for the eggs until they hatch. Adding driftwood and dense aquarium plants like guppy grass helps create a natural and secure environment, reducing stress and encouraging spawning behavior.
To help with breeding, doing large (around 50%) water changes with slightly cooler water to mimic rainy season conditions, and increase oxygenation through air stones or wavemakers. Once the eggs hatch, the fry will initially get nutrients from their yolk sacs before slowly feeding on a diet of powdered foods, blanched vegetables like zucchini or spinach, and high-quality algae wafers to support healthy growth. Ensuring stable water parameters and a well-maintained tank will improve fry survival rates.
Which plants and decorations work best for Common Bristlenose?
For Super Red Bristlenose Plecos, Anubias, Java Fern, and Amazon Sword are excellent plants, as they easy to keep, grow slow and provide hiding spots. Java Moss is also a good choice for grazing and for fry to hide in. Driftwood is essential, offering both food source (algae) and hiding places. Caves made from ceramic, PVC pipes, or coconut shells provide secure spaces for plecos to rest or breed or sleep. These plants and decorations help create a comfortable place which allow plecos to feel like they are in their natural habitat.
Which fish are compatible with Common Bristlenose?
These Bristlenose catfish can be kept solo on in packs. They are extremely friendly and can even be kept with shrimp frie and snails. They do well with small, peaceful fish like Tetras (Neon, Cardinal), Rasboras (Harlequin, Chili), and Livebearers (Guppies, Platies, Mollies). Corydoras Catfish, Otocinclus and even Dwarf Cichlids like German Blue Rams or Gouramis can share the tank space peacefully with the bristlenose. However avoid large aggressive fish like Oscars which may hunt and kill your plecos.
Shipping Note
We ship from Mondays to Wednesdays (all orders from Monday to noon of Wednesday will be ship out in the same week and any orders made after noon of Wednesday will be processed next Monday).
- Any orders you make from noon Wednesday onward will be processed the next Monday.
- Most orders from Monday to noon of Wednesday will be shipped out in the same week.
Any other dry goods, bonsai, plants, and accessories will be sent via standard post. Usually, you will receive the items within 3-7 business day after order is fulfilled.
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