The Super Red Shortfin Bristlenose Catfish (Ancistrus sp.) is a highly sought-after freshwater aquarium fish known for its vibrant red-orange coloration, compact size, and efficient algae-eating abilities. Hobbyists appreciate this unique fish not only for its striking appearance but also for its hardy nature and ease of care. This review will delve into all aspects of keeping and breeding the Super Red Shortfin Bristlenose Catfish, making it a must-read for both beginner and experienced aquarists alike.
1. Overview
The Super Red Shortfin Bristlenose Catfish is a selectively bred variant of the common Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus). It is part of the Loricariidae family, which includes various species of armored catfish. This fish is distinguished by its short fins, vibrant red coloration, and characteristic bristles on the faces of mature males.
Scientific Name: Ancistrus sp.
Common Names: Super Red Bristlenose, Red Shortfin Bristlenose Pleco
Origin: Selectively bred from wild Bristlenose Plecos
Lifespan: 5–7 years
Adult Size: 4–5 inches (10–12 cm)
Temperament: Peaceful, bottom-dwelling
Diet: Herbivorous (algae, plant-based foods)
Tank Level: Bottom dweller
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
Water Parameters:
Temperature: 72–80°F (22–27°C)
pH: 6.5–7.5
Hardness: 2–12 dGH
2. Appearance and Unique Features
The Super Red Shortfin Bristlenose Catfish stands out due to its:
Bright red to orange coloration, which varies in intensity depending on genetics and diet.
Short, rounded fins, unlike longfin varieties.
Bristles (tentacle-like structures) on the snouts of mature males, used for territorial display and mate attraction.
Flattened body shape with armored plating, which provides protection from predators and rough substrates.
This unique coloration makes it an excellent choice for aquarists looking for an eye-catching bottom dweller.
They are territorial toward other Bristlenose Plecos, so avoid overcrowding in smaller tanks.
6. Breeding the Super Red Shortfin Bristlenose
Breeding this species is relatively straightforward, making them a popular choice among aquarists looking to propagate their fish.
A. Mating Behavior
Males attract females by guarding a cave or hiding spot.
After courtship, the female lays 30–50 eggs in the male’s chosen cave.
The male guards and fans the eggs until they hatch in 4–7 days.
Fry remain in the cave for another few days before venturing out to feed on algae and biofilm.
B. Raising Fry
Feed young Bristlenose crushed algae wafers, blanched vegetables, and spirulina powder.
Ensure good water quality and gentle filtration.
Provide plenty of hiding spots for growing fry.
7. Common Health Issues
Super Red Shortfin Bristlenose Catfish are generally hardy, but they are susceptible to common freshwater fish diseases:
Ich (White Spot Disease): Treated with temperature increase and medication.
Fungal Infections: Often caused by poor water quality.
Bloating: Due to overfeeding protein-based foods; ensure a plant-rich diet.
Fin Rot: Prevented by maintaining clean water and avoiding aggressive tank mates.
8. Conclusion
The Super Red Shortfin Bristlenose Catfish is an excellent addition to any freshwater aquarium due to its stunning coloration, peaceful temperament, and algae-eating capabilities. Its relatively simple care requirements make it an ideal choice for beginners, while its breeding potential offers an exciting challenge for experienced aquarists.
By providing a well-structured habitat, maintaining stable water parameters, and offering a nutritious diet, aquarists can enjoy these vibrant and engaging catfish for many years. Whether you’re looking for an effective algae controller or a striking display fish, the Super Red Shortfin Bristlenose is a fantastic choice for any home aquarium.