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Tiger Endler Guppy

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Portion Size You will receive 1 female or 1 male Tiger Endler Guppy depending on your preferences.  What are Tiger Endler Guppy? Our Tiger Endler Guppies are locally...

Portion Size

You will receive 1 female or 1 male Tiger Endler Guppy depending on your preferences. 

What are Tiger Endler Guppy?

Our Tiger Endler Guppies are locally bred. The males display vibrant yellow and black striping across their bodies while the females are mostly grey throughout. When purchasing Guppies, we recommend either selecting all males or maintaining a ratio of 1 male to 2 or more females. This is because males can sometimes chase females persistently, which can cause stress and anciety for the females. 

A fantastic choice for freshwater aquarium beginners, the Guppy is a hardy tropical fish known for its ease of care and fast breeding with little requirements. The smaller male Tiger Endler Guppy is easy to identify, as it features bright, vibrant colors and large, striking caudal fins (tails). In contrast, the female is typically larger, with a thicker body to harbour fry, less vibrant coloration, and a smaller caudal fin (tail).

How to Set Up an Aquarium for Tiger Endler Guppy?

Setting up an aquarium for Tiger Endler Guppy is quite simply. They will require a minimum tank size of 20 litres (to house a trio), a filter and heater because they are tropical fish. However they are quite social, active fish and would love a larger tank of 40-60 litres with more swimming space and larger groups. Add a lid to prevent them jumping. The ideal water temperature ranges between 22-28°C, with a pH level of 6.8-7.8 and soft to moderately hard water. A gentle filter, such as a sponge or internal filter, is best to prevent strong currents that could stress these little fish. Adding fast growing plants such as PearlweedRed Root Floaters and Giant Duckweed helps to absorb  excess nutrients and nitrates from the fish. 

Best Foods for Tiger Endler Guppy

While Tiger Endler guppies can thrive on just flake food and small, bite-sized floating pellets, they prefer a varied diet, much like us! Offering a rotation of flake foods vegetables like zucchini, and floating pellets ensures a balanced, nutritious diet that also encourages breeding and social behaviour. Feeding them once or twice a day with only as much food as they can consume in a minute helps maintain good water quality by preventing excess food from fouling the tank.

Tiger Endler Guppy Breeding Tips for Beginners

Breeding Tiger Endler Guppies is straightforward and beginner-friendly, as these livebearers breed easily without requiring special conditions. They often breed without any large water changes or dietary changes, with fry just popping out. To enhance breeding success, it's recommended to maintain a ratio of one male to two or three females to reduce stress on the females. A minimum tank size of 40 liters is ideal, with fast-spreading live plants like Willow Moss or floating plants such as Subwassertang, which offer hiding spots for both fry and adult fish. Keeping the water temperature around 26°C helps boost their activity and metabolism, encouraging more frequent breeding.

To encourage successful spawning, make sure your guppies are fed a nutrient-rich diet, including high-protein foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and quality guppy flakes. Live foods are particularly effective in triggering mating behavior due to their high protein content and more natural feeding in the wild. After the fry are born, it’s best to transfer them to a breeding box or a separate fry tank to protect them from being eaten by the adults, which, surprisingly, is quite common. Feeding the fry powdered fish food, crushed flakes, baby brine shrimp, or raw egg yolk will help ensure their survival and promote rapid growth.


Which fish are compatible with Tiger Endler Guppy?

One of the reasons Tiger Endler Guppy are so popular becuase they are peaceful and social fish, making them ideal for community aquariums with other inhabitants like fish and shrimp. They do great with peaceful companions like similar sized tetras, other livebearerers, minnows, danios, and catfish and bristlenose plecos. However, fin- nippers should be avoided at all costs because they might nip and damage the long fisn of some guppies. Furthermore, avoid significantly larger fish which may hunt and eat your guppies.

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Shipping Note

We ship from Mondays to Wednesdays (all orders from Monday to noon of Wednesday will be ship out in the same week and any orders made after noon of Wednesday will be processed next Monday).

- Any orders you make from noon Wednesday onward will be processed the next Monday.

- Most orders from Monday to noon of Wednesday will be shipped out in the same week.

Any other dry goods, bonsai, plants, and accessories will be sent via standard post. Usually, you will receive the items within 3-7 business day after order is fulfilled.

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