5 Aquarium Plants that Don't Require CO2 Injection


What is CO2 Injection?

The technique of injecting CO2 into an aquarium raises the concentration of dissolved CO2 in the water. Since CO2 is crucial for plant photosynthesis, it is frequently used in aquascaping to boost the growth of aquatic plants.

When aquatic plants photosynthesize, they create oxygen and organic compounds like sugars and starches that they use for growth and maintenance through the combination of light energy, carbon dioxide, and water. The plants' ability to adequately photosynthesize may be compromised if there is insufficient CO2 in the water, which might have an adverse effect on both their development and health.


A CO2 cylinder, a regulator to manage the gas flow, and a diffuser to spread the CO2 into the water make up most CO2 injection systems. Since plants cannot photosynthesize in the dark, some systems may also have solenoid valves that automatically shut off the CO2 supply at night. This is because adding CO2 at night can cause the pH of the water to drop and harm fish.

Aquascaping may benefit from this technique for boosting plant growth, but it has to be carefully monitored and adjusted to prevent overdosing on plants or harming fish or other aquatic creatures in the tank.


Aquarium Plants that Don't Require CO2 Injection


Numerous aquarium plant species may thrive in a guppy or neon tank without the need for CO2 injection or an organic substrate. Here are some recommendations:

Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus): This resilient, low-maintenance plant may be affixed to rocks, driftwood, or other tank decorations and requires little light.

Anubias (Anubias barteri): Another low-maintenance plant that may be affixed to your tank's hardscape. Low light is tolerated by anubias, which also grows slowly.

Cryptocoryne (Cryptocoryne wendtii): A popular plant among aquarists due to its versatility, low light requirements, and ease of care. It can be planted in the substrate or attached to hardscape.

Amazon Sword (Echinodorus bleheri): A larger plant that can add some height to your tank. It prefers nutrient-rich substrate, but can still do well in a low-tech setup.

Water Wisteria (Hygrophila difformis) is a quickly growing plant that may assist your tank remove extra nutrients. It might either be inserted into the substrate or just allowed to float there.

As long as they get enough light and nutrition, these plants ought to be able to grow without CO2 infusion or an organic substrate. Remember that various plants need varying amounts of light and nutrients, so be careful to investigate the particular requirements of the plants you pick.


In general, CO2 injection is strongly advised for anybody wanting to set up a stunning and flourishing aquascape, even if it is not technically essential for every aquatic plant. You can take advantage of many benefits of adding CO2 to your aquarium and create a breathtaking underwater environment that you and your fish will both love with the proper setup and maintenance.

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