The Three Best Fish Tank Cleaners for Your Aquarium


In this blog, we're going to be discussing the three best fish tank cleaners for your aquarium.

Fish tank cleaners are often referred to as things that mainly take away the job of having to clean the aquarium or somehow make it seem like you don't have to clean the aquarium at all.

There is no fish, plant, or anything else that will completely replace the job of maintaining an aquarium—except for yourself!

Now that we've got that out of the way, today we’re going to be talking about the three best things I recommend from my years of keeping fish and everything I've learned. Make sure you read until the end to get all the information. 


We're going to start this list with number three—Corydoras. Now, let me clarify: this doesn’t mean they’re bad fish! Corydoras are an adorable fish species with different varieties. They are considered cleaner fish not because they clean up the waste, like poop, but because they eat leftover food to help keep the bottom of the aquarium tidy. These are excellent in a community tank, as they go through the substrate and munch the leftover food before it rots and contributes to ammonia and nitrate buildup.

That said, corydoras do create a fair amount of waste themselves since they are a type of catfish. So, while they help by cleaning up leftover food, you’ll still need to clean the tank regularly.

Cherry Shrimp

Number two on the list is shrimp—specifically Neocaridina shrimp, such as cherry shrimp. These little guys are fantastic tank cleaners!

Cherry shrimp are particularly good at eating algae. While they won’t do much for the glass of your aquarium, they will help keep ornaments, plants, rocks, and driftwood free of algae. Like the Corydoras, they also love to eat leftover food in the tank.

Cherry shrimp are a great addition to a community tank with small fish, like endlers or  guppies. They don’t get along well with other fish like angelfish or dwarf cichlids. If you’re looking for good tankmates, check out the link to another blog in the top corner.


Number one on the list is snails—pretty much any type of snail! Snails are detritivores, meaning they consume waste in the tank, including fish poop. They also help keep surfaces clean by eating algae off the glass, making them a strong competitor to cherry shrimp when it comes to algae control.

While these species won’t eliminate the need for maintenance, they can certainly make your life easier. Just remember that no fish, shrimp, or snail can replace regular water changes and proper care.

Thanks for reading, and if you want to learn more, be sure to check out my blogs for additional tips and insights!


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