Australian Amano Shrimp and Its Ability to Control Algae in Fish Tank
Australian Amano Shrimp and Its Ability to Control Algae in Fish Tank These kinds of shrimps consume thick algae, which means they help you in cleaning up your fish tanks. No wonder, these species are becoming more popular not just here in Australia but also around many countries. Click here to know more! -
4 Tips in Keeping Freshwater Shrimps
4 Tips in Keeping Freshwater Shrimps Did you know that there is one fantastic way to add more diversity to your tiny aquatic world? That is, adding freshwater shrimp to it. In this blog post, we will share with you the 4 ways to keep your Freshwater Shrimps. -
How to Fight the 6 Most Common Types of Algae in Fish Tank
How to Fight the 6 Most Common Types of Algae in Fish Tank It is any aquarium hobbyist’s dream to have a beautiful aquarium. If you are one of them, for sure, you might have this constant struggle of keeping the algae at bay. It is a familiar dilemma that most of us have been through.