3 Important Issues to Consider in Your Tank


Are you dealing with an ongoing issue where something always seems off in your aquarium and fish keep dying? It can be really stressful and confusing at the same time. Let’s jump straight into it.

Importance of a Lid

Lids are really important for keeping your fish inside your aquarium. While some fish are more likely to jump than others, all fish have the capability to do so. Whether they're scared in the middle of the night, the water conditions aren't ideal, or another tankmate is intimidating them, these are all reasons why fish can jump out of the tank.

They are not suicidal, and they don’t hate you. Many fish jump by accident—sometimes they get a sudden burst of energy, known as the fish "zoomies," and out they go. The best way to keep your fish in the aquarium is by ensuring it has a secure lid.

Understanding the Importance of Lighting

If you're struggling to get your aquarium plants to thrive, you’ve come to the right place. Here at Aquafy, we’ve been there, and today, we’re going to uncover the secrets to boosting your plant growth with the right lighting. 

Lighting is crucial for plant growth in your aquarium. Without proper lighting, your plants won’t be able to photosynthesise and grow. There are various types of aquarium lights available, such as LED, fluorescent, and incandescent. Each has its own benefits, but not all are suitable for plant growth.

Basic Light Requirements for Aquatic Plants

When choosing lights for your aquarium, you need to consider three main factors:

Spectrum: A full-spectrum light that mimics natural sunlight is ideal for plant growth.

Intensity: Measured in lumens, you need enough light intensity to reach the bottom of your tank.

Duration: Lighting should mimic a natural day cycle, which is about 8 to 10 hours of light per day.

The Role of Flow in an Aquarium

Another lesser-known factor to watch out for is the amount of flow in your aquarium. Some fish can handle strong currents better than others. For example, fish with long, flowing fins—like bettas—prefer minimal flow or none at all. However, torpedo-shaped fish, like danios or rainbowfish, can tolerate higher flow rates.

Consider the type of fish you have and where they naturally come from when adjusting the flow in your aquarium. Even sponge filters, which seem gentle, can create strong currents if too much air is pushed through them.

That being said, flow alone won’t cause your fish to disappear overnight, but it can introduce extra stress. Fish under stress are less likely to live as long as those in perfect conditions.



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