How to Breed Guppy Fish at Home


One of the most adorable, colorful, and low-maintenance fish is the guppy. If you could breed your guppies, you could stock your aquarium with these lovely guppy fish.

To help you breed guppies, we've compiled a step-by-step guide starting with the fundamentals so that anybody may learn the best way to breed guppy fish, even beginners.

Selection Process of Guppy Fish Breeding

One of the most crucial steps in guppy fish breeding is choosing the guppies to breed. The color, shape, size, tail pattern, skin pattern, and fin pattern of your freshly born guppy fry will depend on the parent guppies you choose.

The guppy fry will have the same color if you pick two comparable fish in size, shape, and color. The guppy fry will be a hybrid form of the two if you chose different colors and sizes of guppies to mate with since you will get the best of both worlds. We advise you to pick healthy and attractive guppies that don't have any deformities.

How Many Guppies Should Be Used To Start Breeding

Guppy breeding usually involves a ratio of 1 male to 2 females or 1 male to 3 female guppies to increase the stress of the process by dividing the male's attention between two to three females rather than just one. If not, the male guppy will become hostile and pursue the female, which will influence the gestation duration.

Selection Of Guppy Breeding Box

A breeding box or aquarium tank with a 20-gallon water capacity is often used to start guppie breeding for up to 5 fish. If you want to add more fish to the tank, increase the capacity as well.

Guppy Fish Breeding Tank Setup


The guppy breeding tank should be set up by choosing the right size heater and installing it so that the temperature is kept at a tropical level of 20 to 26 degrees Celsius, or 70 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit.


Installing a powerful filter could sweep up delicate newborn guppies or guppy fry; thus, a soft air sponge filter should be used instead. Additionally, suitable lighting should be added to the aquarium to create the illusion of day and night.

Substrates shouldn't be used since they cover the tank's bottom. To count the number of live fry, it is advised to use a clear, naked bottom. Use low-lying plants and java moss since guppy fry needs places to hide in the tank to avoid their cannibalistic parents.

The Start of the Guppy Fish Breeding Process

Having chosen your guppies and set up your breeding box, you are now ready to begin the breeding process for your guppies. To get things moving, begin by carefully placing your male and two female guppies in the aquarium.

Guppies are renowned for reproducing quickly. Once the guppies are comfortable in the aquarium, they will begin reproducing often. Guppies typically need around 24 hours to settle into a tank.

When the females and males are close to one another, we advise you to provide the guppies with good food because this will boost breeding. Keep the tank's lighting and temperature appropriate as well.

Pregnancy Signs of Guppy Fish

Simply examining the guppy's gravid area will reveal whether or not she is pregnant. This area will darken after conception since the eggs will be visible there. Typically, the development of eggs takes 26 to 31 days.

The gravid spot will darken and take on a box-like form throughout this period. Throughout this time, you must be extremely patient and ensure your guppies are eating properly.

Signs Of Delivery By Guppies

Guppies that are pregnant may be easily identified since they act extremely strangely around this time. They will begin to shiver, hide, and become less active. To stay warm, they also like being close to heaters.

Additionally, they avoid eating or spitting up food. Guppies don't lay eggs; they give birth to live young. Guppies can become cannibalistic and devour their own young; therefore, you must watch her for delivery to remove her from the tank as soon as the breeding is through.

Guppy Fry Care

Congratulations! There are brand-new fry guppies in your aquarium. Guppies may often give birth to 5 to 60 offspring at a time. Despite this, most of them naturally die young and never reach adulthood. To increase their chances of surviving, fry needs the right environment and care after birth.


Since other adults may consume the fry, every fry should be housed in a separate tank. Additionally, keep the tank clean by changing 40% of its water every day. Additionally, routinely clean the tank of any dust or grime. Attempt to keep the tank at the correct temperature as well.

Give guppy fry wholesome, nutritious things to eat. Additionally, filter the water gently. Typically, it takes newborn guppies about a month and a half to reach their regular size. When these times are up, they can be maintained with peaceful fish.

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