• Guide to Aquascaping with Aquarium Plants

    Guide to Aquascaping with Aquarium Plants
    In this complete guide, we'll show you everything you need to know about aquascaping with aquarium plants, from how to choose the right species to the basics of planning and care. With this information, you'll be able to turn your tank into a beautiful underwater sanctuary.  
  • The Basic of Ph Level

    The Basic of Ph Level
    What is the pH scale? pH stands for "potential of Hydrogen." So, pH is the measure of hydrogen ions in a solution. Suppose there is a high hydrogen ions concentration; the pH will be lower (Acidic). In contrast, if the hydrogen ions are less concentrated, the pH will be higher (Base). The pH scale ranges between 0 and 14. From 0 to 6.9, pH is acidic, and as the numbers increase, the acids are ranked from most powerful to least. The number 7 on the scale represents neutral, and from 7.1 to 14 represents base. Beginning...
  • Rocks and How it Affects the Ph Level

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    Rocks and How it Affects the Ph Level
    Over time, rocks with a high concentration of certain iron-based compounds can lower the pH. Alternatively, there are materials that raise pH. The addition of limestone to an aquarium will increase the pH, leaving the water alkaline. Do rocks impact the pH?Yes, rocks affect pH. The vast majority of rocks tend to raise the pH, but some are neutral, leaving the water stable (one of these neutral rocks is lava rock, which has a pH of 7). In a volcanic rock aquarium, pH is neutral).Before setting up a freshwater aquarium, we must always know and research the...
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