Most Common Mistakes New Shrimp Keepers Make (Part 1)
Congratulations! You have finally decided to explore the world of shrimp keeping. You might have been attracted to its different colors and found it intriguing. It does not matter what reason you have; indeed, indulging in this new adventure is surely worth it!! But before anything else, let us learn the 7 most common mistakes pro shrimp keepers make and how to avoid them.
1. Ignoring water parameters
Shrimp are hardy aquatic creatures, but they have specific water parameters that are important to their well-being. Some shrimp species have different preferences for pH levels, water hardness, and nutrient content. Before transferring your newly-bought shrimp to your tank, you should study the specific demands of that species and make sure that the water parameters are met.
2. Not Giving Attention to Filters
Ignoring the filter input is one of the most neglected risks in any shrimp tank, especially the small juvenile ones that are prone to premature death.
Do not hesitate to invest in a little intake sponge to help prevent this and improve the water quality by catching the material before it even reaches the filter.
3. Underfeeding Shrimp
Shrimps are scavengers, and they depend sometimes on leftover food and some food waste, which leads to being underfed. They require a well-balanced diet in order to become healthy and have more beautiful colors. In order to avoid underfed shrimps and to ensure their optimal reproduction and development, give them a diet supplement such as pellets, gel foods, and occasional treats like bloodworms.
4. Always Adjusting Tank Conditions
Shrimps live well in stable conditions, and making changes from time to time will disrupt their lifestyle. Do not change your tank layout continuously. Avoid making sudden filter changes, requests for temperature adjustments, or moving your aquarium plants and tank décor. All of these abrupt changes may stress out your shrimp and weaken their immune system. Always aim for stability in your tank and lessen the major changes you want to have in order to give your shrimp a stress-free aquarium environment.
Click here to read the second part of Most Common Mistakes New Shrimp Keepers Make